
Monday - Classes from 2-8 pm Berlin time





            Good coding practices and common fails" and discussion (30 minutes)


            Hands on sessions: Introducing data sanitization with tidyverse: (4 hours)


            Supervised work / exercise: you will be asked to clean up a very messy data set (2 hours) and given additional exercises. Furthermore, you are encouraged to work with your data.






Tuesday - Classes from 2-8 pm Berlin time



            “Regular expressions for fun and profit” and discussion (30 minutes)


            Hands on sessions: tidyverse (cont.) and regular expressions (4 hours)


            Supervised work / exercise (2 hours)






Wednesday - Classes from 2-8 pm Berlin time



            “Graphics in R” and discussion (30 minutes)


            Hands on session: basic graphs R: (1 hour)


            “Graphics with ggplot” + discussion (30 minutes)


            Hands on sessions: ggplot graphics (3 hours)


            Supervised work / exercise (2 hours)






Thursday - Classes from 2-8 pm Berlin time



            “From script to package” – introduction to package building (30 minutes)


            Hands on session: building a package (1 hours)


            “Introduction to git, github & co.” (30 minutes)


            Hands on session: building a package (continued) (2 hours)


            Supervised work / exercise (3 hours)






Friday - Classes from 2-8 pm Berlin time


            “Object oriented programming in R” (30 minutes)


            Hands on session: OO programming in R (1 hour)


            “Presenting your work with R: manuscripts, reports and presentations” (30 minutes)


            Hands on session: Rmarkdown (1 hour)


            Preparing a presentation in R and Rmarkdown (2 hours)


            Q&A session, presenting your own work (2 hours)

