
Monday - Classes from 9:30 to 17:30




- Introduction to reproducible research and literate programming
- What can I do with Rmarkdown?
- Markdown basics: document structure and text formatting


- Rmarkdown introduction: inserting and running R code
- Controlling your output using chunk options





Tuesday - Classes from 9:30 to 17:30




- Incorporating maths and references into your document
- Different output formats for documents: html, pdf and word processor formats
- Setting global options using the YAML headers


- Advanced html formatting: themes, tabs, code folding and floating tables of contents.
- Using html tags and css in markdown





Wednesday - Classes from 9:30 to 17:30




- Outputting to slides
- Interactive graphs and tables in Rmarkdown documents


- Putting it all together: bring your own data Rmarkdown hackathon