
  Monday– Classes 2-8 pm Berlin time

o    Introduction to networks and course overview
o    What is a network (and what could be?)
o    Identifying networks
o    Identifying network input data
o    Constructing networks from data
o    Getting networks into analysable structures
o    Hands on session and discussion about own data
o    Summary and questions


Tuesday– Classes 2-8 pm Berlin time

o    Introduction to structuring and visualising networks
o    Outlining network analysis packages and software
o    Network structuring processes and how to code them
o    Visualising networks
o    Interactive discussion
o    Summary and questions

Wednesday– Classes 2-8 pm Berlin time

o    Introduction to network models
o    A guide to node-level metrics
o    Node-level analyses
o    A guide to network-level metrics
o    Network-level analyses
o    Summary and questions

Thursday– Classes 2-8 pm Berlin time

o    Introduction to edge-level analyses
o    Simpler, dyadic models
o    More complex edge-level models
o    Community approaches
o    Hands-on session and discussion about own data
o    Summary and questions

Friday– Classes 2-8 pm Berlin time

o    Introduction to advanced network analytical approaches
o    Hypothesis testing
o    Network permutations and simulations
o    Multiplex and multi-layer networks
o    Dynamic networks and temporal analysis
o    Course summary and questions