Monday - 1-7 pm Berlin time
- Why Unix?
- White spaces and case sensitiveness
- Introduction to linux commands
- Using a Linux server - connecting and transferring files
- Running the most popular commands
- Manual pages: getting the most out of commands
Tuesday - 1-7 pm Berlin time
- How do paths work? Absolute vs Relative paths
- Increasing productivity with tab completion, shortcuts and wildcards
- Running programs in background with Screen
- System management - monitoring power, memory and disk space usage
- Installing softwares and managing environments with conda
Wednesday – 1-7 pm Berlin time
- Filesystem and permission system
- Users and groups
- Manipulating text files with Vim
- Turning data into information with filters
- Searching for files in the system
Thursday - 1-7 pm Berlin time
- Tabular data - definition and manipulation
- Processing large files with AWK
- Redirection and piping - communicating commands and files
- Introduction to Shell scripting
Friday - 1-7 pm Berlin time
- Building a bioinformatics pipeline with shell
- Customization
Environment variables
Custom prompts
Soft links
ssh configuration
- Final questions
- Bonus: some other commands