Dr. A. Murat Eren

                                 University of Chicago (USA)








Professional Preparation


Assistant Professor, University of Chicago, USA. Oct 2015-Present

Assistant Research Scientist, Marine Biological Lab., University of Chicago, USA. 2013-2015


Post Doctoral Scientist, Marine Biological Lab., University of Chicago, USA. 2011-2013


Researcher, Children' Hospital New Orleans, USA. 2009-2011


PhD student, University of New Orleans, USA. 2007-2011


Selected Publications

TO Delmont, AM Eren, 2017.Simulations predict microbial responses in the environment? This environment disagrees retrospectively. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

C Quince, et al. 2017. DESMAN: a new tool for de novo extraction of strains from metagenomes. Genome biology

RM Bowers et al. 2017. Minimum information about a single amplified genome (MISAG) and a metagenome-assembled genome (MIMAG) of bacteria and archaea. Nature biotechnology.

STM Lee et al. 2017. Tracking microbial colonization in fecal microbiota transplantation experiments via genome-resolved metagenomics. Microbiome

TO Delmont, AM Eren, 2016. Identifying contamination with advanced visualization and analysis practices: metagenomic approaches for eukaryotic genome assemblies. PeerJ

TO Delmont, AM Eren.Linking comparative genomics and environmental distribution patterns of microbial populations through metagenomics. bioRxiv

AM Eren, ML Sogin, L Maignien, 2016. New insights into microbial ecology through subtle nucleotide variation. Frontiers in microbiology

C Quince, UZ Ijaz, N Loman, AM Eren et al., 2015. Extensive modulation of the fecal metagenome in children with Crohn's disease during exclusive enteral nutrition. The American journal of gastroenterology

AM Eren et al., 2015.Anvi’o: an advanced analysis and visualization platform for ‘omics data. PeerJ

TO Delmont, AM Eren et al., 2015. Reconstructing rare soil microbial genomes using in situ enrichments and metagenomics. Frontiers in microbiology

AM Eren et al., 2015. A single genus in the gut microbiome reflects host preference and specificity. The ISME journal

AM Eren, GG Borisy, SM Huse, JLM Welch, 2014. Oligotyping analysis of the human oral microbiome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

SM Huse et al. 2014. VAMPS: a website for visualization and analysis of microbial population structures. BMC bioinformatics

AM Eren et al. 2013. Oligotyping: differentiating between closely related microbial taxa using 16S rRNA gene data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution